Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Time Management- A great Need for Baconganons

"To effectively manage time is to be able to control time"
1. MAKE A PLAN. Start the day by making a general schedule with emphasis on two or three important things you like to accomplish. Prioritize them and set deadlines.
2. CONCENTRATE. Do not be interrupted in doing too many things at once. Do it piece-meal or think one thing at a time on the most important task.
3. TAKE A BREAK. Relieve tension by doing isometric exercise like walking around, deep breathing, stretching or going to the restroom. You may take a light merienda ( However "taking break" to most Filipinos is eating a heavy snack!) You have 10 minutes for this.
4. AVOID CLUTTER. A disarrayed table or room could hinder concentration, creates tension, and frustration. Put and use a waste basket near your table or corner of your room.
5. DON'T BE A PERFECTIONIST. To strive for excellence is attainable , gratifying and healthy,but not for perfection , which is often unattainable, frustrating and a waste of time.
6. DONT BE AFRAID TO SAY "NO!". This is a time-saving attitude. Avoid counter productive talks- like answering unimportant calls , uncalled for requests (i.e. "Paalayon" or favors),etc. Dont worry about offending others annoying requests.
7.DON'T BE PROCRASTINATE.( The "maƱana habit"- deeply rooted trait of Filipinos). By all means, cut this bad habit now. "Never postpone for tomorrow what you can do today." is the best policy.
8.APPLY "RADICAL SURGERY". This sounds like a surgeon removing a pre-cancerrous growth. Please stop your time-wasting activities - e.g. uncalled for socializing ,"tsismis" (gossiping), reading fantastic comics,etc. All these non-essential things will consume precious time.
9. LEARN TO DELEGATE. You don't have to be the "boss" all the time. You must educate and trust your subordinates and assign them some tasks to facilitate routine matters. This decision will lessen you work load and saves time.
10.DON'T BE A "WORKAHOLIC". Workaholic is a guy who is addicted to his work to get rich quick. He refuses to relax and avoid taking a vacation.

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